Upcoming Events - Saturday, April 13

Date Night at Blessed Sacrament Parish in Alexandria, VA

Discover the Temperament God Gave You with Art and Laraine Bennett

Saturday, April 13 from 6-8pm ET

Dinner and Babysitting provided!

Art & Laraine on EWTN

Art and Laraine appeared on the “At Home with Jim and Joy” EWTN show on October 18 and 19 at 12:30pm ET.

“Art and Laraine Bennett are funnier than late night comedy and more nourishing than a self-help book”

— Richard and Annie Worthington

Out Now: The Little Way of Living with Less

The Little Way of Living with Less is a spiritual journey guided by St. Thérèse of Lisieux toward a “less is more” manner of living. It shares one couple’s effort to downsize, declutter, and detach — and the challenge of growing in virtues that is associated with this process. Indeed, this book serves as a practical antidote to the consumerism and commodification of daily home life today.

Know Thyself! The Game of Temperaments

Discover the secret building blocks of your personality with this fun and enlightening game that reveals players’ temperaments – the qualities and characteristics that make them who they are!

The first game to help you identify, understand, and appreciate your own temperament, and those of your friends and family. And you might be surprised to find out just what they think about you!


Discover your Temperament

“Grace, combined with insight and choice, is the means of change.”

—from The Temperament God Gave you.